Monday, April 11, 2016

Assisted Loving

So my friend Debra has a book now, too. Try not to act so surprised I have a friend. And yes, she's female, which normally would disqualify her from the possibility of my liking her. But see, she is not normal. Like the Blobs, she don't pay too much attention to what gender is supposed to do what. She just does, suffers the consequences, and moves on without learning more from her mistakes than your average artist, which is to say nothing at all.

Her book, Assisted Loving, is about her geezer dad who she took care of because your geezers need looking after seeing as how they no longer have the attention span to drive or handle power tools but, being men, think that refusing to acknowledge their failing faculties will magically restore them to full vigor. It's an ebook, so you can read it whether you're on Earth or on Unpronounceable. Go check it out. Buy it. You got nothing better to do with your money, so make an artist's day.

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